Nannup WA Geopark

Billions of Years in the Making

Nannup is striving to become a UNESCO Global Geopark

What is a Global Geopark?

A geopark is the collation of information over an area, that highlights the importance of the region’s unique geological, biotic and cultural heritage. The area is not defined by land tenure or titles.The Nannup WA Geopark is within the Nannup Shire Boundary. The uniqueness of a geological site of international significance is a requirement to become an accredited UNESCO Geopark. They also must be managed in a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.While the geology is the foundation of a geopark, they are not geological parks. The term “geo” in geopark originates from the Latin word 'Gaia', meaning earth and land. Geoparks connect the geological heritage of a region with its cultural, social, and natural heritage - so more like an Earth-Park.

What are the criteria for Nannup WA Geopark?

Geology natural heritage and culture are broken up into what UNESCO refer to as the ABC’s - defined below.

  • A - Relates to the ABIOTIC: the geology and climate of the area.

  • B - Relates to the BIOTIC: plants and living organisms of the area.

  • C - Relates to CULTURE: past and present indigenous culture, as well as post-settlement culture that has shaped the area we see today.

See the following facts below that support the application to become a UNESCO Accredited Geopark.

Special attributes to Nannup WA Geopark


The geology of the area ranges over 2 billion years.

  • Includes lava flows of 220 km running along two 130 million year old valleys.

  • Basalt lava flowed from well to the south of Black Point, past Nannup, to the north of Bunbury.

  • Up to 9 km of sediments deposited from Antartica during the time of the dinosaurs - between 100 and 300 million years ago.

  • Much older metamorphic rocks, over 2,600 million years old and more than half the total age of Earth.


Large and intact natural areas with significant features.

  • Sits within the South-west of Australian Ecoregion, one of the world’s 36 biodiversity hotspots.

  • Over 85% of the land is covered by native vegetation, including Eucalypt forests and woodlands containing endemic flora and fauna with Gondwana links.

  • 30% of the vegetation is reserved as National Park and a further 60% is State Forest where native timber is protected from logging.

  • The Gingilgp-Jasper Wetlands is of national significance and the South-west's greatest river, the Blackwood.

  • Over 200 km2 of marine environment.


The Nannup WA Geopark area is a place of rich cultural heritage.

  • Nannup (stopping place) has been occupied and managed by the Noongar peoples for over 40,000 years.

  • European settlement has played an important part in shaping the area as it is today.

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In Development

Geopark Static Display

Coming soon from Nannup WA Geopark

Proposed Display Site

A site has had conditional development approval from the Shire of Nannup for the construction of the proposed Static Display by the Nannup WA Geopark. This display is intended as the focal point for visitors to the Geopark.Currently, all that is to be seen at this stop is the location for this exciting development. While street parking here is not suitable, you can park your vehicle nearby, either at the Nannup Recreation and Community Centre (entry via Centenary Drive 60 metres to the south of this stop) or at the Marinko Tomas Memorial (entry 160 metres to the north of this stop) where there are public toilets, picnic facilities and a playground.The following images are the initial concepts of Stage 1 prepared for Nannup WA Geopark by Paul Meschiati and Associates.

Stage 1 - Abiotic Display

Stage 1 of the display will concentrate on the Geopark’s Abiotic (geological) features and will include:

  • A large 3D sculpture of the geopark highlighting the depth of the Perth Basin and the paths of the Bunbury Basalt flows;

  • Three world globes highlighting the tectonic movement of the contents before and following the breakup of Gondwana; and

  • A time-line fence comparing the geological history of the earth to a calendar year.

Future Development

Once Stage 1 is complete, planning will commence for two future stages highlighting Biotic (flora and fauna) and Cultural features of the Geopark.

affordable + educational

Get the Nannup WA Geopark App

What Do You Get in the App?

As an individual (or group), the $2.99 you spend to get the Nannup WA Geopark App will provide endless hours of interactive fun for you, your friends and family members when you visit the area.

  • Complete offline map access with optional GPS tracking for accurate and uninterrupted use with your smartphone

  • Detailed information of locations, landmarks, trails and more - no internet access required once installed

  • Ability to bookmark any listing to create your own 'to do' list of places to visit

  • Broad range of educational material suitable to schools and educational groups

  • Become part of history with citizen science programs

For iPhone

For Android Phones

Help Support Us to Support You

You help the Nannup WA Geopark team when you download the Nannup WA Geopark App.For just $2.99, along with many hours of activities and entertainment, your small fee helps the Nannup WA Geopark volunteers create information and develop programs for educational and citizen science programs for the Nannup WA Geopark.

Where Can You Use the App?

You can use the app anywhere. Once you download the Nannup WA Geopark app you have full access to the information for the Nannup WA Geopark.When you visit the Nannup WA Geopark you can enjoy GPS tracking within the entire Nannup WA Geopark boundaries.The app also works offline, so you don't require an internet connection to use it.

Nannup WA Geopark

Our Goals + Objectives

What we aim to achieve with Nannup WA Geopark

The Guidelines

The Nannup WA Geopark team developed Goals and Objectives in alignment with the goals and objectives of UNESCO Global Geoparks. This policy will enable a smooth transition from an aspiring Geopark to an accredited UNESCO Global Geopark.The Nannup WA Geopark team fully understand that we hold no legal tenure over the area of our perceptual boundary which is the Nannup Shire Boundary. We cannot allow access or deny access. UNESCO Global Geoparks are not like National Parks which are protected by legislation within the country they are designated.

The Nannup WA Geopark is not a lobby group or can it be used as a lobby group but rather a group of volunteers sharing there broad knowledge of the area to the public.Our Goals and Objectives to guide the Nannup WA Geopark team to deliver high quality information and develop interactive educational material along with citizen science programs. These are listed below.

Become Active Within the Global Geopark Network

  • Become a fully accredited UNESCO Global Geopark based on the boundaries of the Shire of Nannup, Western Australia

  • Build and freely share knowledge of the Nannup Geopark with the Global UNESCO network and develop relationships and links with other geoparks to enhance understanding and effectiveness.

Enhance Education and Knowledge Sharing Through Storytelling

  • Reveal, enhance and share knowledge of the unique abiotic, biotic, and cultural aspects of the Nannup Geopark to encourage protection, conservation, education, and appreciation of this ancient place for both current and future generations.

  • Tell the whole story of the interconnection between Nannup’s ancient geology, diverse landforms, vegetation and wildlife, indigenous culture both past and present and recent history to raise awareness of the region’s unique natural surroundings.

  • Foster and facilitate the development of research capability and educational materials to enhance knowledge of the Nannup Geopark region.

Provide Sustainable Economic Development Opportunities for the Nannup Region

  • Co-operate with like-minded entities and individuals, locally and internationally, to add value to the tourism experience in the Nannup Shire and promote sustainable economic development.

  • Develop a sustainable and accessible Geopark through a focus on digital technology and self-serve information sources.


The Australian Geoparks Network

The formation of Geoparks Australia and Geoparks WA


The Australian Geoparks Network (AGN) has been in existence in various forms since 2008. Almost a decade later some of the leaders of the AGN established Geoparks Western Australia (Geoparks WA), in our largest state. In so doing this their aim was to also formalise the AGN. This was the focus of Geoparks WA and over the period 2019-20 and which has now occurred when it was incorporated in Western Australia in 2021.

The organisation has an Australian wide Board made up of members with expertise in geoparks, geotourism and geotrails with others having expertise in geology, tourism and / or education. One is the former Director of Australia’s first global geopark, Kanawinka which operated from 2008-2012. Another helped establish the Oki Islands UNESCO Global Geopark in Japan.The Australian Board is supported by an International Advisory Board comprising geopark specialists from around the world. They include world leaders of the Geoparks Movement; three country geopark network chairs; and other major contributors to the development of global geoparks.

Collective Objectives

  • To mentor, support and promote the development of geoparks, geotourism, geoheritage, and geotrails in Australia.

  • To facilitate the marketing collectives for geoparks, geotourism, and geotrails in Australia.

  • To encourage stakeholder participation and collaboration in the establishment of geoparks in Australia.

  • To cooperate with like-minded entities and individuals in promoting all aspects of tourism visitation related to geological attributes of our Australian environment.

What's Next for Geoparks WA?

Since incorporation, several workshops have been held as both public and team events. Geoparks WA has showcased the business of geoparks, and cultural and environment aspects. Public workshops have included interstate and international geopark specialists and have been well received. Team events have focused on discussing development of geoparks locally with active teams and to share information between the teams.There is a growing level of interest in geoparks in Western Australia and membership, which remain free to date, continues to increase. The board of Geoparks WA maintains positive links with both government agencies and elected representatives, and private businesses across the State.Geoparks WA board members worked initially with the Murchison GeoRegion and Geopark along with the Forum Advocating Ecotourism and Culture and following that success, has since worked with Wanneroo / Joondalup, Binjareb / Peel and Nannup WA Geopark as they move forward with their geopark projects.

Geoparks WA is also active in attracting grants and other funding in its promotion of geoparks. This has included a Regional Arts Australia grant to establish a Genestream project at Kellerberrin linking Aboriginal Culture to Earth and Biota of the Wheatbelt Region, a Regional Development Commission grant to design and establish a geodrive in the Mandurah, Murray, and Waroona shires and to provide a consultancy to both Mid West and Peel Development Commissions.The board of Geoparks WA continues to lobby at State and National levels. Geoparks WA liaises with State members of Parliament and directors of government agencies and is represented on the Geological Survey Western Australia geotourism workshops.Geoparks WA also engages with federal politicians and agencies to promote geoparks. Representation is also made on the Working Groups for the Australian Geoscience Council National Geotourism Strategy. Several board members are members of the geological Society of Australia and work with the State branch, GSA WA.

The Future of Geoparks Australia

While the AGN is active in promoting geoparks in Australia, it remains aware that a future role will be to the Australian Board will be changed to model the UNESCO Global Geoparks National Committee framework. That is, it will comprise representatives of each of the following government departments or equivalent not-for-profit organisations:

  • UNESCO Global Geoparks

  • The Australian Geoparks Network (Geoparks Australia)

  • The Geological Society of Australia or Geoscience Australia

  • The Australian Conservation

  • The National Indigenous Australians Agency

  • Australian National Commission for UNESCO

  • National committee for the International Geoscience Program (IGCP)

  • Any additional members that may be relevant for the Committee

At the time of establishment of the UNESCO National Committee as the substantive AGN Board, the members of the existing Board will transition to being members of an Advisory Committee to the AGN. The International Advisory Board will remain in place throughoutThe Chair of the AGN has regularly met with senior Federal and State Parliamentarians, Departmental Heads of Agencies, and community organisations. A newsletter is regularly published outlining Global Geopark events and promoting conferences, the status of UNESCO Global Geoparks on a global basis and the progress of Australian geoparks.

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PLEASE NOTE - Before you become a Member, you will need to acknowledge that you are aware of our Constitution and Membership requirements.

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Members Only Area

Welcome to the Nannup WA Geopark Members Area

This exclusive area of our website serves as an information hub for Nannup WA Geopark Members. Here we will be introducing the ability to access Geopark Trail data as well being able to submit your own findings.Our Member newsletter as well as notifications of field trips and information sessions will also be published below. We will notify you via your supplied contact details (email or phone) when we publish information. Thanks for your patience.


Coming soon.

Field Trips

Coming soon.

Info Sessions

Coming soon.

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Nannup WA Geopark


Nannup WA Geopark App and Website Disclaimer

By using the Nannup WA Geopark app and website, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions in this disclaimer.

  1. Use at Your Own Risk: The use of the Nannup WA Geopark app and website is at your own risk. Nannup WA Geopark holds no responsibility for any damages, whether intellectual or physical, incurred while operating the app and website.

  2. Accuracy of Information: The information provided on the app and website is published in good faith at the time of publishing. However, Nannup WA Geopark does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information. Users are advised to verify any information before relying on it.

  3. Non-Legally Binding: The information provided on the app and website is not intended to be used for legal purposes. Users should seek professional advice for legal matters.

  4. Restrictions on Use: Information obtained from the app and website cannot be copied or used for financial gain without explicit permission from Nannup WA Geopark.

  5. Copyright: The copyright of photos and other content belongs to the creators where copyright ownership is indicated. Any unauthorized use of copyrighted material is prohibited.

  6. No Endorsement: The inclusion of any external links or references on the app and website does not imply endorsement by Nannup WA Geopark. We have no control over the nature, content, and availability of external sites.

  7. Changes to Disclaimer: Nannup WA Geopark reserves the right to modify or update this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. Users are encouraged to review this disclaimer periodically for any changes.